
Disclaimer. Wood2Size goes to great lengths to ensure that, to the best of its knowledge, the information provided on this website and its social media channels is correct at the time of publication and/or subsequent modification.
This information is solely for general purposes. Wood2Size has prepared this in order to provide certain information about Wood2Size and related companies.
What is a disclaimer?
We use a disclaimer generally as a statement intended to specify or delimit the scope of rights and obligations. We use these in a legal relationship. In contrast to other terms for legal language. The term disclaimer usually implies situations that involve some level of waiver, or risk.
A disclaimer may specify mutually agreed and privately arranged terms and conditions as part of a contract. Or may specify warnings from Wood2Size to the general public (or some other class of persons). In order to fulfill a duty of care owed to prevent risk of harm or injury. We use a disclaimer to limit damages after a harm or injury has already been suffered. Additionally, some kinds of disclaimers may represent a voluntary waiver of a right or obligation that may be owed to the disclaimant.
Disclaimers vary in terms of their uniformity. Some may vary depending on the specific context and parties involved. While other types of disclaimers may adhere to a uniform set of formalities. These are rarely or never modified, except under official authority. We use some of these formal disclaimers for industry regulation, qualification for protection under a safe harbor. And Other situations where the exact wording of a particular clause or document may be dispositive in the event of a legal dispute.
We have a disclaimer in a legally binding agreement. There may be other legal considerations that render a disclaimer void either in whole or part.